Thoughts of a Chatterbox

welcome to a very awesome blog!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

merry christmas to everyone!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

North Point's iBand - Feliz Navidad

wow such kool apps hah you have to watch this guys!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

to you from the library!!

Hello fellow readers of america and all other readers from around the world!! I am typing this straight to you my fellow viewers from the lancaster library!! shhhhhhhh!! i need to use my indoor typing skills while in the library! okok i am sooo sorry it has been sooooo long for me to write to you ( my fellow viewers )!! i have been preoccupied with very important buisiness! like homework,homework,homework,homework,homework, and other stuff. not convincing? well you know, life!! anyway whats been hoppin in your world comment in the comment box bellow this message and tell me i promice to read them persionally! yea i know you are excited i mean im totally like a celebrity!! am i right?! well any way i have noticed that all the stores have put a ton of their plastic turkeys and halloween costumes on sale and are actually bringing out the christmas goods!! wow they like to be ahead of things i mean when im excited for something i might pack 2 weeks before we go or wear my halloween costume every night until halloween but i dont coun't because i love to look at the plastic turkeys and stuff but this is sooooooo off topic and my time is running out on this computer sooo i am going to end it all with an awesome loop!! WHAT you don't know what a loop is well is were you just type everything on your mid here I go!!!
                                                           my word is useful
   computers are verry useful but some computers make me mad like all of the ones that take forever to load or are just flat out ugly! ugly is such a strong word lets use not pretty some things that are pretty are shoes and jewelery depending on if its pretty jewelery or not rats are NOT pretty but when i watched ratatoui i totally changed my mind i mean they were adorable my hamster is NOT adorable he is the opposite of adorable hmm what is the opposite of adorable?? any way what was my word again oh useful well school is useful but homework is not i think almost all kids with homework agree but its not all bad sorta kinda well there it goes the timer is counting down and i have to go do ma homework see ya and enjoy your homework it will help you in the future! thanks for reading this is marina barham signing off!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Pomegranate Phone

check out this wacked out phone!!

and its real!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

week of wonders!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

i am so excited!! Next week will bepacked with somhave been fun activities on monday i have been saving up and i am going to by an iphone!! today i got a really kool case and i am soo excited now i can text and call my friends and family!! on tuesday we are going to a consighment sale those are always awesome!! on wendnesday...well i dont think we have anything planned for wednesday so that will be a rest day!!and on thursday it is none other than orentation!!! i absolutely cant wait!!! on friday my whole school and i are going to a farm with corn mazes and a heap of corn shucks!! and on friday mom and i are going to try to have a mother daughter date before school starts!!and that is a short summery of my week! hode yall had an awesome summer!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Intimadated on the intimadator!!

if you have been to carowinds this year you probably know of the new roller coaster the intimidatior!and yesterday i overcame my fear and rode it with my cousin annie. but first i had to get ready so... first i rode a few other roller coasters to get the feel of it then i did a ride that took you up super high then droped you to get ready for the drop on the roller coaster then i did about 20 other rides to be sure i was ready (aka i was stalling)! then it was time i was on it i was going up the hill then I WANT TO GET OFF!!! i was so scared so i started yelling no no no no no no no no! then i was there the top of the hill as we were racing down i was too petrafied to yell or even smile as the camera took our pictures i was riding the intimador! since i couldn't get off now i just raised my hands in the air like everyone elts and had a blast !!we are going back on monday i think i'll do it again!! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey guys this is marina talking to you from my dads itouch it is so hard well this was just an experiment so you can get back to your lives bye!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Things you CAN'T do when you're NOT in a pool

im back from camp and guess who hosted the services! tripp and tyler! they showed us too of their videos one on how to high five and one of things you can't do when your not in a pool and tripp took a picture with me! watch this clip!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am soo pumped about the school year and I am doing every thing to prepare. I just finished designing my note book covers and at my grandma’s house I made some awesome necklaces in school colors of coarse!! I can’t wait to see all my friends who I had to leave for summer! I have set a ton of goals for this year and I am planning to take part in a ton of school activities and I have also been looking at uniform but it is not going to be much different than last year!! Last year was my first year there and I was soo scared but I made a ton of new friends and met awesome teachers. I will try to post a power point I made in the car on the way back home from LA. Have a great summer!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

toy story not 1 not 2 but 3!

yesterday my aunt kiki, my mom ,sophia ,adam and i went to see toy story 3 in the theater it started with an awesome pixar short film called day an night. it went straight into the movie which was gripping, suspenseful,sweet,sad,and scary what a mix!!i am not going to tell you the story but i definitely recommend it to you and your family!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

funny comic

here is on and i will try to post one every week!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

life in LA

things are pretty strange here at my grandparents house while i am writing this my brother is behind be talking to a bell pepper my sister is a secret agent unknown to the government i am painting my nails black with orange stripes and there are birds swooping down on Innocent frogs on the front porch! i am in Louisiana 15 hours from home and the only thing i have been doing is making millions of necklaces for school next year! i am very paranoid about there being snakes everywhere!!!!well post u later!

Friday, June 25, 2010

scariest trail of all time!

eeeeekk this has to be the scariest trail off all time!it is actually ileagal to travel it but people still was build in spain 1905 but has fallen apart since then.

6 year old dancer - America's Got Talent

she is so awesome!!check this out!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Amazing ventriloquist

you have to watch this!!! it is so funny!
wow i had a blast on the lake a few days ago!! we took our boat out on lake wylee!we hooked our tube onto the back and went tubing then stopped in the middle of the lake and hopped in the water it was so fun to do a cannon ball off the side of the boat! later we stopped at an island and found tons of huge clams!we dried off and went to a restraunt on the side of the lake. hope you have a fun day!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

VBS (vacation bible school)(for ages 3 to 6)(hahahahahaha!!)

the sky if blue, the air is clear, the sun is scorching, and what is this well it seams to be some little kids going to their church for vacation bible school!! yes folks if you haven't heard it is VBS season and they are taking off every where! Ok so this year i am one of the teachers for the 6 year olds this week. we sarted off the day with two distinked groups the GIRLS comepleetly seperated from the BOYS how funny that they made theese groups all by themselves! i had a TON of fun helping the boys fling toy cars off of planks and tables just as much as i enjoyed the cooking with the girls and let me tell you we made a mean casarole!! hahaha! soon after i helped the kids clean up and they went to the opening ceromony then heard a bible story while coloring in their top seacret files!later we had games and snacks soon later it was the end of the day and we played a truth or false game to go over the day if the answer was truth they would run over to me if it was false they would run over to my mom later the game got a little out of hand and the boys started mangeling the truth sign that i held up !! haha! and that was my day at VBS!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

today a hawk came into our yard and later we found her nest with babies and her mate.when we saw her she was pulling worms and bugs out of the ground for her babies! her nest is at he top of a tree in our club house!
we also almost hit a hawk on our way home from my sisters piano class!! haha! talk about alot of hawks in one day i hope to see them again tomorrow!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

ok so i was really bord so i started looking at the gadgets and found games so i made yet another blog with just games i have the link on the side so now when im bord i can just play some fun games and some are old wich is really cool check it out!!oh and you might want to turn off your volume because they all play at the same time!

wierd animals

here are some very unusial animals and fish including:


blob fish

and the angora rabbit!!

my brother ADAM!!!!

my brother adam is anoying in a brother way and sweat in an adorable way here are some pics of my brother adam!

Friday, June 11, 2010

a new member of the family

welcome to the family michel!!                        
he hatched this morning and joined his brothers and sisters in the mail box!! live long guys!
and check out sophia's blog she has been working on it!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

welcome to the world charlie crystal lola and brooke

we have new members in the the bluebirds in my mail box have hached!they are as small as a quarter and naked with only a few feathers here and there. this morning when i checked the eggs were very shiny which means the time is close and when i got home from camp 4 of the 5 eggs i show my family the proud mother and father from a near by tree.i will tell you if michel haches until then eat your vegies, stay safe, and come back soon!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

my family tree

you've seen my now lets take a dip into my family tree!!

my mom,jennifer

my sister, sophia

my brother, adam

my dad,jabra

Friday, June 4, 2010

riftraft grocery

hey guys check out this cool video that kayla and i created. go to!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

buisy bee!!

Hey guys sorry i haven't posted lately. I've been very buisy, well i dont know if you would call relaxing under the sun in a resort hotel in mirtle beach buisy, but i am exausted phew! When we got there at two oclock in the morning we well went our room and passed out.we woke up te the sun streaming through the cracks in the curtain.I soon got dressed and asked my dad if me and my sister could go play put put on the corse down stairs. soon after we relaxed in the pool then to the beach with perfect boogie bording waves and sand castle sand but my main intrest was using my net to catch minnows, crabs, sand and crushed shells.when the word went around the beach that i was catching minnows kids from every where came to me with buckets filled with water and asked me to catch them some fish. Now theese kids didn't want just want one fish, but more like 20 fish each now if there were at least 20 kids who wanted 20 fish each that is a grand total of 400 minnows who were caught, given to kids who left them in their buckets, or the water over heated, or they starved to deat!h In other words they pretty much all died may they rest in peace! now maby now you know why I'm so tired and why i haven't been posting lately. well i got to go to chick fil a to meet Eric and Erica from 91.9 cool!! I'll tell you what happened later bye!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

for the birds

check out my other blog called for the birds!!

Louie Giglio - Laminin (short version)

you have to watch this it is amasing if you want the video i have it and if you ask nicely and i know you i will let you borrow it it it amasing you will be changed!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

how to explain why you are late for school

"when i got here my teacher wasnt in the classroom so i went out looking for her"
"i was helping little bo peep find her sheep"
"my parents lost the keys to my cage"
"i was abducted by aliens for experimental purposes.i've been gone for 50 years which fortunately was only an hour of our time"
"im not late-everyone is just early!"
sources girls guide how to be the best at everything!
use this knowledge wisely!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

mail box

aaaaa my mail box got a blue bird egg!! yay yay yay yay!! did you know that

MYTH: If you open the bluebird box, or touch the nest or babies, the parents will abandon the nest.

REALITY: Don't worry that monitoring will make the parents desert the nest. Bluebirds are very tolerant of human presence. Touching the nest or birds will not make the birds leave--your mother just told you that to keep you from harassing them.
My science teacher taught us about this and we monitor blue bird boxes at school!!
I love watching them grow up and soon fledge!
Dear readers,
  It is the end of the year and I am now going to try and use better grammer in my posts.
thanks for reading and enjoy my blog!!

PS check out my friend kayla's blog the link is on the side bar and also erica and my sister sophia they are also on the link bar!!

PSS if you see and errors in this post please comment i need all the help i can get!! haha.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

check out the very bottom of my blog there are fish that follow your mouse and when you click you feed them fish food!!! try it and comment how you like it i got in the most popular section in the gadgets if you want to use it on your blog!!

Lyre Bird

you should hear this birds song!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

man i am so and my dad spent a whole saturday renovating my old bird box a few weeks ago with a swinging door and a better roof.we hung it on a tree in my yard facing the east it is soo perfect an yet today i found a whole bluebird nest in my paperbox. still no sign of life in my little bird box well keep praying and check out kayla's blog she has some really cool facts about birds and a great website to loock up is!
hey check out sophia's blog there is a really funney video on it!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

High Five Etiquette

i personally have a ton of trouble with this!! i hope you learn some helpful tips!

from the lemons point of view!

now if you are reading this and havent read kaylas version of this then you better read that first. now to my story ps this is from the lemons point of view. ok so there i was in my lemon tree with my mom,dad,sisters,brothers,cousins and all my relatives when a truck came scooped me up and took me into a very cold store.soon after a pleasent lady picked me and a few others up and took me away.ive heard rumers about this woman she takes inocent salamanders from their home takes them to her torcher room and theese midgets would poke him and scare him then she through him into the wild!! the horror!!

     she took me to her torcher chamber were a certain midget took her sword rose it above her head and then BAM i wathed as half of me rolled off her table and hit the floor!she picked it up with her slimey hands soon after took some pinchers and ripped out all of my guts while saying calming words like your large insion is almost done then ill tape you right up and you will feel all better!well i most certainly did not feel better i felt hollow and when her slippery hands flung me across the room my whole life flashed before me and i watched this is it i made made an overly dramatic hit to the ground.

well im up and running again that large insion and duck tape worked me wonders i feel like i lost like 20 oz and i could make over 5 glasses of lemonaid. well doc if you are reading this i would just like to thank you.and to mrs McEwin i dont think your as bad as how sal described you !
bye bye!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ninja cat!!!!!

watch this cat get closer with out moving!!

do you have a dirty computer screen??

hah!! it is even funnier when you put it in full screen!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Luckiest People On Earth

talk about lucky!!

bessie smith

guess what i just learned!there was such thing as wrestling in the 20s! ha who would of known! well we are doing biographies in class and my person is bessie smith. she was a jazz singer. now at first i was not impressed until i heard a funny quote of her's it is "i've been rich and i've been poor and rich was better" ha! i mean some historical person would probably say something along the lines of "i've been rich and i've been poor and poverty taught me more than riches. so i had great thoughts about her until i read she was an alcoholic and got married twice then she died at age 43 in a car wreck! so i have mixed emotions about her!!
well i got to go  bye!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

a paragraph for sis

hello folks i am writing this because if i were thinking it you would not be sitting i front of your computer sreene reading this! well i am trying to teach my sister how to use her blog by writting this random yet amusing paragraph. to make this a (leagle) paragraph i have to write a third sentence so now that this sentence is over i now have my demonstration paragraph thank you for reanding.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

the great place

Im back did you miss me i have been on an awesome trip to great wolf lodge with my class and now i am in sooooo much pain my whole body is sore and i think if it doesnt go away soon i will die!! jk (just kidding)!
well im out of things to say on this subject!! bye!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


now i have had this happen to me personally so comment if you can relate. a few days ago my dad went to costco and he came home with the whole store practly!a crate of tomatoes a sack of cheese 3 sacks of potatoes 2 cows worth of meat zuccine and some strange thing in which i cannot decribe and he said he got it all for a great price!!
and now its going to start to spoil if we dont eat it!!
and this is just onereason not to let your dad go to costco!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

totally excited!!

wow i cant wait in a few days i get to pick out my fabric for the cover up im making!!
that of coarse is one of the funnest parts. im planning to use a terry cloth for the bottom and a streachy cotton for the top. !! . when im done i will try to post a pic of it!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tim Hawkins-Hey There Delilah

you have to watch this i love watching tim hawkins he is my favorite christian comedian !!






well as you probably know that because you are reading this it must mean that you my friend are staring at my blog!!! i will be blogging as often as i can so see whats happening here!
well you can look around and i will try toget some good stories and pics up asap!! well got to go