Thoughts of a Chatterbox

welcome to a very awesome blog!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Intimadated on the intimadator!!

if you have been to carowinds this year you probably know of the new roller coaster the intimidatior!and yesterday i overcame my fear and rode it with my cousin annie. but first i had to get ready so... first i rode a few other roller coasters to get the feel of it then i did a ride that took you up super high then droped you to get ready for the drop on the roller coaster then i did about 20 other rides to be sure i was ready (aka i was stalling)! then it was time i was on it i was going up the hill then I WANT TO GET OFF!!! i was so scared so i started yelling no no no no no no no no! then i was there the top of the hill as we were racing down i was too petrafied to yell or even smile as the camera took our pictures i was riding the intimador! since i couldn't get off now i just raised my hands in the air like everyone elts and had a blast !!we are going back on monday i think i'll do it again!! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey guys this is marina talking to you from my dads itouch it is so hard well this was just an experiment so you can get back to your lives bye!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Things you CAN'T do when you're NOT in a pool

im back from camp and guess who hosted the services! tripp and tyler! they showed us too of their videos one on how to high five and one of things you can't do when your not in a pool and tripp took a picture with me! watch this clip!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am soo pumped about the school year and I am doing every thing to prepare. I just finished designing my note book covers and at my grandma’s house I made some awesome necklaces in school colors of coarse!! I can’t wait to see all my friends who I had to leave for summer! I have set a ton of goals for this year and I am planning to take part in a ton of school activities and I have also been looking at uniform but it is not going to be much different than last year!! Last year was my first year there and I was soo scared but I made a ton of new friends and met awesome teachers. I will try to post a power point I made in the car on the way back home from LA. Have a great summer!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

toy story not 1 not 2 but 3!

yesterday my aunt kiki, my mom ,sophia ,adam and i went to see toy story 3 in the theater it started with an awesome pixar short film called day an night. it went straight into the movie which was gripping, suspenseful,sweet,sad,and scary what a mix!!i am not going to tell you the story but i definitely recommend it to you and your family!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

funny comic

here is on and i will try to post one every week!